US News

Holy snit, the pope just freaked out

The normally placid Pope Francis was clearly peeved with a person who pulled him so hard that he stumbled onto a child in a wheelchair.

During his trip to Mexico, the 79-year-old pontiff is seen on video as he is jostled and tugged during a foray into a crowd. Security officials help him regain his footing — but not quite his composure.

“Don’t be selfish! Don’t be selfish!” the scowling Francis shouts in Spanish at the offender as he gesticulates wildly after landing on the child.

The holy snit didn’t last long, though, and the mild-mannered pope returned to waving to fans in the western city of Morella.

The Argentinian pontiff shouldn’t be too surprised at the excessively physical adulation — he prefers to get close to the public and avoids the enclosure of a bulletproof popemobile.