
NYC officials upset over drastic federal cuts in anti-terror money

Top elected officials called on D.C. politicians to roll back a nearly 50% proposed cut in anti-terror funding to the Big Apple.

“Our message today is both simple and urgent, we need the Congress to step up and protect the people of New York City against terror, protect the people of the United States against terror,” Mayor de Blasio said at police headquarters in lower Manhattan Wednesday.

President Obama’s spending plan for 2017 aims to slash the Urban Area Security Initiative, which provides counter-terror funds to New York and other cities, from $600 million to $330 million. The funding goes to the NYPD, FDNY and Office of Emergency Management.

“We particularly know in the wake of the Paris attacks, of the San Bernardino attacks, that we have to be more vigilant than ever, more prepared than ever,” de Blasio said, adding later that he planned to call the president personally to make his plea.

The city got $180 million under the program last year. The budget proposal cuts that funding in half.

While not directly criticizing President Obama, all the officials voiced their disgust with his proposed funding plan.

“I drive over the Brooklyn Bridge. I usually see a police car at both ends,” Sen. Chuck Schumer said of the proposed cuts. “They’re there all the time. That’s an expense. But they’re there for a good reason. The Brooklyn Bridge is a target.”

Schumer said he was “shocked, disgruntled and chagrined” by the proposed cuts and leveled some criticism at the Obama administration.

“They’ve been very good, but not here, not here,” he said. “This is a huge mistake.”