
De Blasio doesn’t want us knowing who he’s calling

Mayor de Blasio won’t disclose who was at the other end of three dozen phone calls listed on his August and September schedules.

Responding to a Freedom of Information request from The Post, the Mayor’s Office released his latest available schedules, but not the people with whom he was talking in 36 of 46 work-related calls for the two months in 2015.

Previous schedules covering January through June 2015 named everyone on his 98 calls, most of whom were City Hall aides. In July, six of 10 phone entries were ID’d.

A mayoral spokesman, ­Peter Kadushin, declined to explain the abrupt shift, insisting in an e-mail that de Blasio’s office “continue[s] to be committed to transparency and strive[s] to make information accessible.”

The new records also show de Blasio for the first time vaguely documenting large chunks of his workdays.

A whopping 29 1/2 hours spread over seven days in July and August are documented as “Flex-Time Meeting and Call Block,” and the only person listed as conversing with the mayor during these chunks of time is an assistant. This includes seven-hour blocks of time from 10 am to 5 pm for three straight Fridays in August.