
Dads get postpartum depression, too

Some new fathers suffer from a form of postpartum depression — just like women — but the disorder often goes overlooked in men, new research reveals.

Six percent of dads with new babies show symptoms of the mood disorder — which puts their children at a higher risk of developing behavioral and emotional problems, NYU professor of Global Public Health Michael Weitzman told NY 1.

“Many of the things that for decades we’ve associated with mothers being depressed is actually probably the father being depressed — and the father being depressed has an influence on the mom and her ability to mother,” Weitzman said.

Kids with depressed dads are more likely to withdraw and act out in school, he said. Symptoms dads show include “anger and irritability and outbursts,” he added.

Weitzman urges policymakers to push for more mental-health screenings for new dads.