Fashion & Beauty

Countess LuAnn doesn’t care about her fiancé’s past lovers

Her new fiancé may have dated her co-stars, but Countess LuAnn de Lesseps (“The Real Housewives of New York”) isn’t fussed by the revelation.

“I call it BL: Before Lu. And before Lu, I don’t care what happened,” de Lesseps told The Post at the Georgine fashion show Tuesday. Last week Bethenny Frankel revealed on Andy Cohen’s radio show that de Lesseps’ beau, Thomas D’Agostino Jr., dated Sonja Morgan and had a friends-with-benefits arrangement with Ramona Singer.

“We’re getting married and we love each other. And that’s all that matters,” she said. “Whatever happened before, he was dating, I was dating. That’s fodder and I don’t pay much attention to it. He’s marrying me.”

The Countess revealed that she and the businessman will have a big Catholic wedding.

“I eloped the first time around and he’s never been married. We’re both Catholic. And I eloped, so it doesn’t count under God’s eyes.”