
7 hacks for conquering your food cravings

It’s the third week of February and the midwinter blues have settled in. As New Year’s resolutions fall by the wayside, there’s a fair chance you’re battling cravings for unhealthy foods, leading to weight gain and sluggishness.

But don’t despair. According to noted endocrinologist and Harvard Medical School professor Dr. David Ludwig, there are a few simple ways to curb the tendency to reach for the cookie jar or log onto Seamless.

Ludwig, the author of the newly published book “Always Hungry?: Conquer Cravings, Retrain Your Fat Cells and Lose Weight Permanently,” says you can switch off yearnings for sweets and processed foods by recognizing how you were conditioned to like candy and potato chips — not because of their taste, but how they make you feel.

“Think of the first time you stole a sip of beer as a child — it probably tasted horrible,” he says. “But now most adults love to have a little alcohol and truly savor the taste.

“We came to pair the taste with how that drink affects our body. It changed the flavor of the beer from unpleasant to pleasant.”
Here are Ludwig’s top tips for curbing unhealthy cravings.

  1. 1. Chill out

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    Make time for a five-minute stress-reduction practice, whether it’s meditation, prayer, yoga, journaling or a breathing exercise. “If stress is persistent and you don’t get relief, hormones like cortisol increase too much,” says the doctor. “Cortisol programs the body for fat storage [and] the more you store fat, the more you are going to be craving food to supply that fat storage.”

  2. 2. Drink more water

    It will fill you up and make you less prone to bingeing. As soon as you feel a craving, have a glass of water instead. Within five minutes those cravings will be much weaker.

  3. 3. Have a long-term goal

    Draw up a contract with yourself, such as: “I will lower my heart-disease risk factors by my next appointment,” sign it and stick it on your fridge to help you succeed with more short-term goals — like not opening that refrigerator door between meals.

  4. 4. Take a walk

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    Do like the Italians and take a passeggiata — a 15-minute stroll after supper. It aids digestion and dampens the post-meal surge in insulin — and your hunger for a bowl of ice cream. “During exercise, the areas of the brain involved in craving and addiction quiet down,” adds Ludwig. Besides, you are less likely to reach for dessert if you step outside for some air.

  5. 5. Tune into your body

    During the five hours following every meal, constantly ask yourself whether you feel satisfied but not overly full, and be aware of your mood and energy levels. If you’re not feeling great — or if you haven’t developed an appetite for your next meal after five hours — think about what you last ate and make adjustments. In time, you’ll be your own best guide.

  6. 6. Stick to a designated bedtime

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    Doing so is crucial to getting enough shut-eye — something that isn’t easy, but is integral to health. “When your hormones are destabilized by sleep deprivation, it’s going to lead to food cravings of the worst kind,” says Ludwig.

  7. 7. Forgive yourself

    Don’t engage in self-blame if you fall off the wagon and overindulge. Remember that getting back on track is just one meal away.