Naomi Schaefer Riley

Naomi Schaefer Riley


Today’s ‘radical’ college kids actually want boring lives

Today’s college freshmen are more likely to protest than any generation in five decades. But don’t prepare for the revolution just yet; this generation’s social-justice warriors are actually pretty bougie.

That’s according to a new survey from the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA. While the number who said they’d be likely to march or sit in or carry a mattress around campus was only 10 percent, those kids will be the ones making the headlines, having an outsized influence on the way we view the campus and the culture.

But is this generation really so radically different from previous ones? Sadly for their Marxist professors and Bernie Sanders, it seems these kids, even at the age of 18, have already embraced the middle-class bourgeois values of most other Americans.

According to the survey, 82 percent of freshmen considered it “very important” or “essential” to be “very well off financially.” That’s the highest number since the survey started 50 years ago (when it was only 47 percent) and it’s 5 points higher than just five years ago.

You can chalk up that rise to a stagnant economy, though in 1975 things were not exactly looking rosy. More likely it’s the fact that a lot more kids are going to college now and a higher percentage of them are from working-class backgrounds. They’re staking everything on college boosting them into the upper, or at least the middle, classes.

Whether their college education will accomplish that is another story. Their professors and administrators seem sadly focused on creating the next revolutionary vanguard rather than teaching them how to be better readers and writers.

But just as the boomers spent their college years sitting in before they decided to settle down, it seems that young people today also see themselves as having fairly conventional futures post-graduation.

Almost three-quarters see it as very important or essential to raise a family. That’s a number that has remained largely unchanged since 1985 and is significantly higher than the 56 percent who thought so in 1975.

Which might make you wonder: Should we even care about what goes on in college? If kids are still interested in getting jobs and raising families, does it matter if they fritter away four years hanging out with the Black Lives Matter folks or Occupy Wall Street?

Some studies even suggest that college is largely unsuccessful in changing the political views of its students. Whatever their liberal professors are saying to them seems to mostly go in one ear and out the other.

Well, yes: We should care.

For one thing, there’s the opportunity cost of spending four years (or more) in this state of perpetual adolescence. While close to 40 percent of students say they feel frequently overwhelmed by their academic workload, more than twice as many as in 1985, we know that the average number of hours that students spend in class and studying has gone steadily down. (Maybe all that protesting is taking up too much time.)

So college isn’t doing much to prepare them either in terms of the skills they need for jobs or in other ways.

And, ladies and gentlemen, if you’re overwhelmed by college, just wait for real life.

College is, however, serving to give kids a high opinion of themselves. Almost 90 percent rated themselves average or better in terms of their ability to work cooperatively with diverse people. And 70 percent rated themselves above average or better in terms of ability to discuss and negotiate controversial issues.

When it comes to these soft skills, colleges are regular Lake Wobegons. Everyone’s above average.

Higher education has maintained a reputation of being countercultural, but on just about every measure it’s the opposite. College administrators think they’re being cutting edge by teaching kids to cooperate with others, but “Sesame Street” already took care of that and now corporate America can simply offer fewer team-building retreats to reinforce it.

The one way in which the college experience used to be unique was in giving young adults the opportunity to study great texts and ask questions away from the demands of jobs and outside the context of the prevailing cultural and political winds.

Perhaps it seems romantic now, but it was a time for students to understand their own purpose in the world. Today, less than half of freshmen think it’s essential for them to “develop a meaningful philosophy of life” compared with 68 percent in 1975.

Maybe these 18-year-olds simply believe this notion is too abstract to worry about. More likely, though, they already think they have one.

Naomi Schaefer Riley is a senior fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.