US News

Farmer lucks into $2.5M stash of presidents heads

This is one giant bust of a presidential theme park.

Some 150 miles south of Washington, DC, on a patch of farmland in Croaker, Virginia, stand 43 giant heads of United States presidents.

Caters News Agency
The busts — 20 feet tall and weighing between 11,000 and 20,000 pounds each — were the brainchild of Houston artist David Adickes, who commissioned the works for his President’s Park, across from Water Country USA in Williamsburg.

Caters News Agency
The tourist attraction opened in 2004 but was never a hit and operators called it quits in 2010 when they didn’t even have enough money, about $60,000, to create a 44th bust of President Obama.

Howard Hankins, who runs a nearby concrete recycling business, was originally contacted to get rid of the 43 giant heads.

But Hankins loved them so much, he never destroyed them — and instead parked them on his farm.

But the farm is private property, and not open to the public.

Virginia historians hope to one day make the busts more available to the public.

“We are currently raising money for a new Presidential Museum and Park in Williamsburg. This museum will create a total experience of the many facets of the US Presidents, their lives, daily operations, history and more,” the Williamsburg Presidential Museum Project posted on Facebook.

Time has not been kind to the artworks, with weather — President Reagan was damaged in a lightning strike — and inconsiderate birds the evil-“poo”-ers-in chief.