US News

Sanders is catching up to Clinton

Bernie Sanders has narrowed his deficit with Hillary Clinton to 10 points nationally, the closest the Democratic race has been in seven weeks, a new poll revealed Tuesday.

The former secretary of state leads the Vermont senator 50-40, which brought Sanders one point closer than he was last week, according to the poll by NBC and SurveyMonkey.

Clinton maintained a strong lead over Sanders with African-American, across the age spectrum.

While Sanders has caught fire with college students, Clinton was still winning over black millennials, 64-25. She was ahead of Sanders among black voters over 35 by an even larger margin of 73-16.

The black vote will be crucial going into the Feb. 27 primaries in South Carolina, where African-Americans make up more than half the state’s Democrats.

On the GOP side, Donald Trump maintained a substantial lead with 38 percent support. He was followed by Iowa winner Ted Cruz at 18 percent, Marco Rubio with 14 percent, Ben Carson at 8 percent, John Kasich with 7 percent and Jeb Bush at 4 percent.

Kasich’s 7 percent marks a two-month high for him.

Also, 56 percent of registered Republicans said Trump is going to be the party’s standard bearer — up from 42 percent just a week ago, the poll found.

Trump this month finished a close second in Iowa before scoring a landslide win in New Hampshire.

More than half of Republicans had said The Donald was going to be the likely GOP nominee before the Iowa caucuses — but that number took a dive after Trump stumbled in the Hawkeye State. He’s re-established himself in this crucial measure following the New Hampshire triumph.