
Jeb calls to block literally anyone Obama nominates for Scalia’s seat

Jeb Bush on Monday called on the Senate to block anyone President Obama nominates to replace late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

A day after saying the Senate shouldn’t confirm “someone who’s out of the mainstream,” Bush ramped up his rhetoric and said any candidate proposed by the president should be rejected.

“If there is an up-or-down vote, it should be rejected based on the history of how President Obama selects judges. If there’s no vote, that’s fine, too,” he said.

“An Obama justice should not be appointed in an election year. Let this be an important part of the election process, because there’s a lot riding on this.”

The comments came as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz unveiled a new ad warning of the consequences of an Obama nominee tipping the balance on the court to the left.

The ad claims conservatives are “just one Supreme Court justice away” from losing on divisive issues including “marriage, religious liberty, the Second Amendment.”