Sex & Relationships

First-date sex is not nearly as common as you would think in 2016

Way, way back in the day, having an adult slumber party after a first date was downright scandalous. But we’ve come a long way, right?

Well, according to the dating data geniuses at OKCupid, our attitudes on sex and dating have shifted over the past decade — but not in the direction you might expect.

The researchers over at OKCupid took a look at the responses of over one million users from 2015 and compared them to users from 2005. (You know, that year when Destiny’s Child broke up and Tom Cruise jumped on Oprah’s couch.)

After hopping in their time machine, the researchers found that we’re actually getting a little less liberal with our lady business on date one. Respondents were nearly 20 percent less open to having sex on the first date than they were 10 years ago.

Today, only a quarter of straight women surveyed would even consider it (compared to almost 50 percent in 2005) before three to five dates had taken place.

But how we feel about getting freaky on the first date isn’t all that’s changed in the past decade. Even though we’re getting a little more conservative about casual sex, we’re getting less judgmental about those who have a lot of it. Almost half of people don’t think you can have “too many” sex partners.

Back in 2005, only 30 percent of people didn’t care about a person’s sex number.

And there’s good news for women who enjoy action between the sheets (read: all of us). That dated attitude of judging women who talk about their sex life is fading. (Shout out to our girl, Samantha Jones!)

Today, 15 percent less people say they judge a woman who talks openly about her sexcapades than they did in 2005. It’s about time…

And when we’re in love, we put a ton of pressure on sex. With the exception of bisexual men, all men and women expect the sex in our forever relationship to be the best we’ve ever had.

Seems that when it comes down to considering lifetime commitments and marriage, it’s mind-blowing orgasms or bust.

Overall, the OKCupid data shows we’re more thoughtful about our sexual behaviors than ever.

Whether that means you’re all about going home with a hottie on night one (and spilling all the details the next morning at brunch), or counting down the dates ’til you find out if he’s got serious potential—in the sack and in life—the good news is we’re getting less judge-y about what either choice means. And that’s not a bad place to be.