US News

Father of the bride vanishes after storybook wedding

Prasad Moparti watched his daughter walk down the aisle on her wedding day … and then he vanished.

The 55-year-old father of the bride left his daughter’s picturesque California wedding on Saturday afternoon and hasn’t been seen since the reception, FOX40 reported.

“I think he just went for a casual walk because one of my family members actually saw him walking down the road,” said Durga Moparti, Prasad’s daughter.

But the effort to find Prasad has been complicated by his seemingly voluntary stroll and his demeanor before disappearing.

Prasad flew in from India about a month ago for the Walnut Grove wedding and was described as being recently homesick.

“It sounded like he was a little depressed and he wanted to go back to India,” Durga told KFOR.

Rajesh Gutta, Durga’s husband, said Prasad was “not doing well.”

And while the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department has searched for Prasad, they’ve classified him as a “voluntary missing person.”

Wedding guests spent part of Saturday’s reception looking for Prasad, and the sheriff’s department scoured a nearby river and brought in a cadaver dog, all to no avail.

“I believe that he was just walking and he fell unconscious, and he just tripped or something like that,” Durga said. “But I’m really not sure what happened, and this seems like a total mystery.”

The space where Prasad disappeared can be dangerous terrain for those who don’t know the landscape.

“You got to be careful,” Ron Retlzlaff, who regularly fishes in the area, told KCRA. “Yeah, a rock slips out, you hit your head.”

Durga and Rajesh said they’ve put their planned honeymoon on hold until they get some closure about what happened to Prasad.

“Our only focus is to get our father back,” Durga said. “And our efforts will continue until we get our father back.”