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Eagles of Death Metal frontman blames gun control for Paris massacre

Eagles of Death metal frontman Jesse Hughes claims the massacre at Paris’ Bataclan theater — where 90 people were slaughtered during his band’s performance — might have been averted had audience members been armed.

Hughes, 43, called for everyone to have guns as his California rock band returned to the City of Light to perform its first full concert since the terrorist attacks, the reported.

The group planned to perform to a full house at the Olympia hall in a concert for survivors of the Nov. 13 massacre by ISIS fanatics, who killed 130 people across the city.

The musician made the controversial comments to French TV channel iTele on Monday.

“Did your French gun control stop a single f—ing person from dying at the Bataclan?” he said tearfully. “And if anyone can answer yes, I’d like to hear it, because I don’t think so.”

He said he believes everyone should be armed “until nobody has guns.”

“Because I don’t ever want to see anything like this ever happen again and I want everyone to have the best chance to live and I saw people die that maybe could have lived,” he said.

Hughes said he felt a “sacred” responsibility to finish the show after receiving an “outpouring of support” after the massacre, which also left 350 wounded.

The Bataclan will reopen soon after being shuttered because of the rampage.

“I haven’t had any nightmares and I’ve slept fine, but when I’m awake is when I see things that are nightmares,” Hughes added.