John Crudele

John Crudele


Hillary’s financial history is a clear trap for Democrats

The fact that Hillary Clinton hasn’t been indicted at least once in her life is, in itself, an indictment of our legal system. She has certainly lived a charmed life on the edge of disaster.

Rather than seeking to have Hillary defeated in the primaries, Republicans should be praying that she’s picked as the Democrats’ nominee. I’ll get to the reasons shortly.

You probably already know more about the recent email flap from when Hillary was secretary of state than I do. She apparently received sensitive and secret emails that shouldn’t have been sent to her personal computer.

Others have done this before her, defenders say. Still, the FBI is looking into the matter and the gossip is that Hillary could be indicted for this.

That’s not what I’m writing about today. This column is dedicated to Hillary and Bill Clinton’s alleged financial crimes that, in and of themselves, should anger enough of the hard-working electorate that her defeat in a presidential election would seem likely.

The only question in my mind is whether the Democrats will allow themselves to walk into that trap.

In the late 1990s, I spent a lot of time looking into Bill and Hill’s antics and I was convinced by sources working with the Whitewater investigation that the two were the Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow of Arkansas politics — minus the guns, of course.

There wasn’t a financial scam they would not run in their home state or a coverup that was beneath them. They gravitated toward shady real estate deals, although too-good-to-be-true commodities transactions were also a specialty.

Before I continue, let me offer up a bit of full disclosure: I voted for Bill Clinton in 1992.

And I voted for President Obama in his first presidential campaign, in 2008.

I must belong to the “I Hate the Incumbent’s Party” party.

Neither got my vote the second time. So I’m about as politically independent and flexible — some might say random and capricious — as anyone can be. (Save the emails, folks — I don’t care what you think about my voting record.)

As you know, there was a massive investigation into the Clintons in the ’90s by Whitewater Special Prosecutor Ken Starr.

But that probe got sidetracked and veered in a totally different direction because of the salacious accusations regarding a young White House intern named Monica Lewinsky.

Lewinsky may have saved Bill and Hillary by diverting attention from the financial scams.

Indicting a sitting president would have been impossible — that’s what impeachment is for. But the wife of a sitting president has no protection and Hillary came very, very close to the business end of a grand jury’s true bill.

Here’s what I wrote in a column in May 1998: “Meanwhile, sources say Starr is fighting his staff’s efforts to indict Hillary Clinton. One source says the disagreement is heated, but another said it was merely a professional difference of opinion.”

My column continued: “It’s a division of views among reasonable people,” said one source with intimate knowledge of the investigation. “The final decision is in Ken [Starr’s] hands. I think I know which way it’s coming out.”

But you can bet on one thing: Nothing will be off limits if Hillary becomes the Democrats’ nominee.

There were even rumors at the time that a document for Hillary’s indictment had been drafted. But she wasn’t charged because — as I said — Starr probably saw Lewinsky as a quicker way of dealing with Bill.

But here’s the thing: All of the evidence gathered by Starr’s team is sitting somewhere, waiting to be revisited.

And there are plenty of people who worked on that investigation — and/or know about the Arkansas crimes — who are still living and who probably aren’t bound by either conscience or the law from telling what they know.

I’m already trying to get some of my old sources on the phone.

But the conservative political group Judicial Watch is way ahead of me. In late January, the group released details from a memo written by Starr that laid out criminal charges against Hillary.

There were numerous real estate scandals — all of which I covered in the ’90s — and not just the one we know as Whitewater.

Judicial Watch is also suing to get a copy of Hillary’s draft indictment, which it seems to think is at the National Archives.

There were also plenty of rumors about Hillary’s private life that I didn’t write about back then and won’t now because they don’t belong in a column like this.

But you can bet on one thing: Nothing will be off limits if Hillary becomes the Democrats’ nominee.

And this is why I’ve said for at least the past year that I didn’t think she’ll end up being her party’s choice.

Whether it’s Bernie Sanders, or Vice President Joe Biden riding to the rescue — or someone else (Michael Bloomberg comes to mind) coming off the bench — the Democrats’ nominating process could get very interesting.

If Hillary does somehow become the choice, she’ll be fighting two strong opponents come Election Day on Nov. 8: the Republican nominee and all those skeletons locked up in some far-off closet that are just now starting to make some noise.