Andy Pettitte knows firsthand how CC Sabathia can rebound

TAMPA — Throughout CC Sabathia’s struggles on the mound the past few years, Andy Pettitte has supported his former teammate, believing he could turn his career around despite decreased velocity — much like Pettitte did in the latter stage of his career.

Pettitte has the same feeling about Sabathia now that the lefty is coming back from alcohol rehab.

“You hate it for him,” Pettitte said after speaking with younger players at Yankees camp Monday. “You hope and pray he’s got a grasp on it.”

And just as Sabathia was, Pettitte was encouraged by Sabathia’s performance in his final five starts last season, when a new knee brace helped make him significantly more effective.

“I know what he can do,” said Pettitte, who retired in 2013. “I stood there and watched him too many times in the bullpen and the command he has. I was able to do that and I think he’s better than I was. So, yeah, I think he can.”

But Sabathia will face the added challenge of having to battle his alcohol problem.

“I just want him to be successful, not only on the baseball field, but as a husband, a dad and in life,” Pettitte said. “I’m a big supporter of [Sabathia] and love him to death. I’m hoping he has a good bounce-back year and finishes up his career on a positive note.”

Pettitte added he may try to come back to camp, but remains busy coaching his son’s high school team in Texas.

Armando Galarraga is a new face around the Yankees. The former Tiger will be coaching in the rookie league with hopes of making his way back to the majors as a pitching coach.

So far, none of his new pupils have asked him about the near-perfect game he threw against the Indians on June 2, 2010, when umpire Jim Joyce blew a call on a grounder that should have been the final out of the game.

“I don’t know if they know who I am,” Galarraga said.

He said people mention the game to him “all the time, still.”

Galarraga last pitched in the majors with Houston in 2012, before finishing his playing career in Taiwan and Mexico.

“I wish I could have more wins in my career, All-Star [appearances],” Galarraga said. “But I don’t have it. [The near-perfect game] doesn’t bother me. It’s a good memory.”