
Staten Island wins battle to stick developer with ‘greedy’ street names

Now Staten Islanders can take “Cupidity Drive,” hang a right on “Fourberie Lane” and follow that to “Avidita Place” — after a judge ruled that a developer is stuck with the street names denoting greed, trickery and deception.

As The Post reported in December, Staten Island Borough President James Oddo picked the names as a spiteful ­final blow in his failed five-year battle to stop a condo complex from being built on the former 15-acre Mount Manresa Jesuit Retreat.

Cupidity means “lust for wealth.” Avidita is Italian for greed. And fourberie is French for deceit.

Developer Savo Brothers, which is building a 250-unit complex on the site, had sued Oddo to get the names changed.

But Judge Philip Minardo decided Thursday that the Beep has the right to choose all new street names, and “presumably assumed that these names being easy to pronounce, would be more clearly understood by a 911 dispatcher.”