US News

Marco Rubio slams Trump, Jeb ahead of South Carolina vote

WASHINGTON — Marco Rubio, fresh off a weak showing in the New Hampshire GOP presidential primary, got a lot more aggressive against his rivals Thursday in hopes of staging a comeback in South Carolina.

“Donald Trump has zero foreign-policy experience. Negotiating a hotel deal in another country is not ­foreign-policy experience,” Rubio said at a town hall in Hilton Head, SC.

Then he turned his fire on ex-Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who finished fourth in New Hampshire, 1,278 votes ahead of Rubio.

“I thank God every day that George W. Bush was president, but Jeb has no foreign-policy experience,” Rubio said.

Rubio — who was elected to the Senate in 2010 — said the second-place finisher, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, hasn’t dealt with foreign policy “in a long time.”

With little incentive for Rubio, Bush, or Kasich to quit the race, Rubio campaign manager Terry Sullivan warned of a long fight ahead. “We very easily could be looking at May — or the convention” in July, he said.