
Lawyer for accused slasher swears his client is a ‘good guy’

The lawyer for a deranged slasher – who allegedly cut a man in a dispute over a cigarette and a week later randomly sliced open the face of a male stranger – called his client a “good guy.”

Francis Salud, 28, was arraigned Tuesday for allegedly cutting a man in his left side outside Bellevue Hospital October 18. The victim’s wound required 73 stitches.

“I feel really bad for him,” said defense lawyer John Godfrey of his client. “He’s a good guy.”

While out on $30,000 bail in that case, Salud allegedly slashed complete stranger Anthony Christopher Smith in the East Village January 16. Smith needed 150 stitches and endured a 9-hour surgery.

Salud told cops he committed the first attack, according to newly released court papers.

“[the victim] and I had a fight about cigarettes and [the victim] punched me,” Salud allegedly admitted to a detective. “I took a knife out and cut him. I shouldn’t have done it.”

Justice Jill Konviser ordered Salud held without bail.

““He is obviously not following the rules, and I don’t have confidence that he will follow them,” she said.