
Panda puppies are your new adorable obsession

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Meng Jiang has painted her Chow Chows to look like pandas.Caters News Agency
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Caters News Agency
Everyone in Jiang's family loves the Chow Chow "pandas."Caters News Agency
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Caters News Agency
Caters News Agency
Caters News Agency
Caters News Agency

These pups are causing panda-monium!

Three Chow Chows from Singapore — Tudou and sisters YuMi and DouDou — are going viral because many have mistaken the dogs for pandas, because just like the bears, they are pure white with black ink markings on their legs, ears and eyes.

Meng Jiang with her three “pandas.”Caters News Agency

Unlike pandas, the pups get their unusual coloring not from nature, but from black dye that’s painted on their fur, a craze that started last year in China.

“It is amazing to see our pups becoming so popular,” their owner Meng Jiang told Caters News Agency. “They really are show stoppers on the road and they attract big crowds of people everywhere they go.”

Jiang has cashed in on their popularity, offering people to come over to play with the dogs and have a photo shoot.

“It is a hit among parents who want to spend a fun-filled day with their children or lovers who come here to celebrate their anniversaries or special days,” she said.

But their unique looks aren’t easy to maintain, requiring regular trips to the groomers.

“My pets are my babies and I make sure to keep them comfortable,” Jiang said. “They go for grooming every 10 days where they get proper wash and hair trimming. They also get eye check-ups, nails trimmed ears and teeth cleaning.”

The dye used on her fur babies is not toxic and is made for dogs, according to Jiang.

The pampered pups also get home-cooked meals of carrots, boiled eggs, beef, fish and soy milk.