
Judge rips kooky ‘serial killer’ after latest outburst

A Brooklyn judge and an outburst-prone accused killer got into yet another skirmish during his triple murder trial Monday.

Despite his many previous warnings that Salvatore Perrone, on trial in the killings of three Brooklyn merchants of Middle Eastern descent, would be barred from court if he couldn’t control himself, Judge Alan Marrus gave him one more strike Monday after the kook interrupted proceedings to announce he had an “alibi.”

“You’ve created an impossible situation for your defense,” the Brooklyn Supreme Court justice told Perrone after the jury was excused for the day.

The former garment salesman — who wanted to represent himself but has a court-appointed lawyer — then launched into a new witness list he’d drawn, which he blurted out earlier in front of jurors.

Perrone seemed especially fixated on four friends who he said could provide him with an alibi on the night of one of the attacks.

“I had dinner with them on Friday night, the night of the murder,” Perrone later announced after prosecutors rested their case.

“I’m finished hearing from you. You can take your papers and leave,” Marrus said. “Your credibility is zero on this stuff. You have a pattern of just trying to delay the trial… It’s fish or cut bait for you.”

“This is a court? This is not a court,” Perrone fumed as he gathered his loose papers that littered the defense table.

In a last-ditch effort, Perrone attempted to address reporters.

“Members of the press!” he shrieked, clutching his bag of files, “Go to the basement of Garage Apparel around closing on Stillwell Avenue! […] Go Friday night, to the basement!”

“Something is wrong with this man’s mind,” Marrus said after he was led out. “It’s clear to me that Mr. Perrone knows he has nothing left to lose.”

Perrone has yet to decide whether he will testify, his defense attorney Howard Kirsch said. The defense case begins Tuesday.