Johnny Manziel ex: He deafened me with slap, then I pulled knife

There is no good news relating to Browns quarterback Johnny Manziel these days. Just more details about his troubled life.

The latest: According to an affidavit by ex-girlfriend Colleen Crowley that was posted online by NBC 5 in Dallas, Manziel kept her from leaving a hotel room, threw her into a car by her hair, slapped her so hard that she lost hearing in one ear and threatened murder-suicide.

Crowley’s sworn statement was part of her petition to obtain a protection order from Manziel. Under its terms, he has to stay away from her for two years. Police in Dallas and Fort Worth are still investigating the matter.

Crowley’s chilling account of the abuse picks up following a night of partying on Jan. 29. She says they were in Manziel’s hotel room when she began questioning his relationship with another woman and said she would sleep on the couch. Manziel then threw her on the bed and wouldn’t let her leave.

Later, leaving the hotel, Manziel pulled her along by the arm to retrieve her car. She told a valet not to let Manziel take her, but he threw her into the passenger seat and started driving. At one point, she jumped out of the car, but Manziel hit her on the ear with an open hand and dragged her back in.

“During the drive to Fort Worth, I was crying and telling him, ‘I hate you! Just leave me alone! I hate you!’ Respondent then told me he was going to drop me off, take my car and go kill himself,” she said in the affidavit. “I thought maybe he was on drugs or having a psychotic break, so to keep him calm I began telling him, ‘I love you. We can figure this out, we can talk.’ Respondent started laughing at this and I became really scared. I started crying even more and he told me, ‘Shut up or I’ll kill us both!’ Then I started begging him not to kill me, and he immediately responded, ‘I would never kill you. You don’t deserve that. I would only kill myself!’ He was not making sense.”

Crowley’s lawyer, Kathy Kinser, told the Dallas television station that Manziel ruptured Crowley’s left eardrum with the slap, and it has yet to heal.

The affidavit continues to describe what occurred when Manziel and Crowley returned to her apartment, before she eventually scared him off. Manziel smashed her cellphone, then confronted her when he found her trying to FaceTime her parents on her computer.

“I was in my kitchen, so out of fear for my life, I pulled a knife out of my knife block and advanced toward him,” Crowley said. “He ran out of the apartment. I threw the knife down and followed behind him to make sure he had gone.”

Manziel, the Browns’ first-round pick in the 2014 draft out of Texas A&M, is expected to be cut next month.