
Facebook blames ‘traffic and activity’ blitz for Sports Stadium fumble

Facebook fumbled badly in Super Bowl 50.

The social networking giant’s new Sports Stadium tool — launched last month to challenge Twitter’s high profile as a “second screen” for NFL games — suffered embarrassing lag times as the system got overloaded Sunday night.

It took a full seven minutes for the Carolina Panthers’ first and only touchdown against the Denver Broncos to be updated on Sports Stadium, one user identified as “Gabriel” griped, turning to Twitter to vent his frustration under the handle @GGOwusu.

“Early days but Twitter is still winning. #sb50,” he tweeted.

Likewise, Twitter user @ToddFMoore complained that it was “still all posts about halftime” on Sports Stadium for seven minutes after the third quarter began.

In a written statement Monday, a red-faced Facebook admitted to the game-night glitches.

“Due to overwhelming traffic and activity, people visiting Facebook Sports Stadium during the Super Bowl may have experienced a delay with the scores and play-by-play information,” according to the statement.

Facebook’s Sports StadiumAP

Facebook said 60 million users joined the Super Bowl conversation, as Denver’s defense terrorized Carolina quarterback Cam Newton in a 24-10 victory.

Among players, Denver quarterback Peyton Manning drew 19 million interactions from 10 million users, while Newton drew 8 million interactions from 5 million users, Facebook said.

MVP Von Miller drew 2.7 million interactions from 1.8 million users.

Activity peaked during the halftime entertainment, with Coldplay, Beyoncé and Bruno Mars stirring interest. Other moments of peak activity included Lady Gaga singing the national anthem and the Manning sack by Kony Ealy early in the fourth quarter.

Still, Super Bowl 50’s Facebook figures were down from a year ago, when 65 million users made 265 million posts, comments or likes as the New England Patriots defeated the Seattle Seahawks.

Twitter officials on Monday weren’t immediately able to give stats on tweets at this year’s big game. Last year, it reported a total of 28.4 million tweets.