Sex & Relationships

Lawyer tears into judges for sleeping with hooker at pimp trial

A defense lawyer could barely get through his summations Friday — interrupted by dozens of sustained objections and eye rolls from the judge — as he reminded Manhattan jurors that a hooker who took the stand to defend his client counted cops, FBI agents and judges among her johns.

“I think it was a New York judge who hailed from Chicago or a Chicago judge who hailed from New York,” lawyer Howard Greenberg said as Justice Bonnie Wittner, looking aghast, shook her head in disbelief.

“How pathetic! If it weren’t for the judges who hailed from Chicago, the pimps wouldn’t be in business, but he was a good customer, God bless him!” Greenberg plowed on.

“Objection,” declared prosecutor Jennifer Dolle in Manhattan Supreme Court.

Greenberg just kept going over the din. “He paid $1,000 for a sexual service and you know nothing happens to a judge or cops.”

“Objection,” Dolle interjected again.

Greenberg conceded that Karmik Grant-Byas, on trial for allegedly forcing four women to turn tricks, is a “scumbag” and “low-life” pimp but not a sex trafficker.