
Rubio closes in on Trump, Cruz in latest polls

WASHINGTON — Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is making his move, according to three polls released Thursday.

Just days after topping expectations and nearly edging out Donald Trump for second place in Iowa, Rubio is tied with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in a new Public Policy Polling survey.

Both senators get 21 percent in the nationwide poll, compared with 25 percent for Trump.

A separate University of Massachusetts tracking poll has Rubio moving up to 15 percent in New Hampshire, which holds its primaries Tuesday.

It’s Rubio’s first time in second place and a sharp jump from 8 percent before the Iowa caucuses.

Trump remains the strong leader in the ­UMass poll, with 36 percent, while Cruz is running third at 14 percent.

A second New Hampshire poll, by CNN/WMUR, also showed Rubio grabbing the No. 2 spot.

He had 18 percent of the GOP vote, compared with 29 percent for Trump and 13 percent for Cruz.

Meanwhile, fellow Republican Ben Carson cut 50 staffers on Thursday, but insisted he plans to stay in the race until the convention.