
Son of ex-top aide to Chirlane McCray charged in teen’s death

The son of former de Blasio administration aide Rachel Noerdlinger was charged with manslaughter Monday for stabbing a mugger to death in New Jersey.

Khari Noerdlinger, 19, was fighting off the robbery attempt Sunday night when he plunged his knife into the right leg of 16-year-old Savion Lewallen, causing him to bleed to death, acting Bergen County Prosecutor Gurbir Grewal said.

Lewallen and four others were trying to rob Khari Noerdlinger at around 10:30 p.m. in Edgewater, the prosecutor said.

Lewallen died at a hospital as a result of the stab wound.

Khari Noerdlinger allegedly tried to remove evidence from the scene, officials said.

He was charged with aggravated manslaughter, possession of a weapon and hindering apprehension.

Lewallen had been released from jail last month after being convicted for assaulting a 15-year-old high school girl, according to the Journal News.

A lawyer for Khari Noerdlinger called the manslaughter charge “stunning” because his client was the one being mugged when he stabbed Lewallen.

Rachel Noerdlinger on Tuesday.David McGlynn

“He was the victim of an armed robbery,” the lawyer, Jeffrey Lichtman, told The Post. “We will fight this case vigorously and bring Khari home.”

Lichtman said that Khari’s mother, Rachel, was “devastated” by the news.

“Khari’s her baby,” Lichtman said. “She’s completely and utterly devastated.”

Rachel Noerdlinger was forced to resign as city first lady Chirlane McCray’s chief of staff in November 2014 after a series of embarrassing revelations — from tax liens and parking tickets to the cop-hating tweets of her boyfriend, a convicted killer and former drug dealer.

The last straw was the trespassing arrest of her teenage son, who was busted alongside two friends who had pot on them at a notorious drug spot in Washington Heights.

Prior to working for McCray, Rachel Noerdlinger was a spokeswoman for the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network.