
Reporter harassed by giant inflatable banana on live TV

Mark this the silliest ending to the silly season.
The transfer window for European soccer, dubbed the “silly season” by those abroad, closes on Monday but the wackiness doesn’t stop with the rumors created around the globe.
An Italian reporter went berserk during a broadcast after a random man started harassing the journalist with a gigantic inflatable banana.
As seen in the video, the man with the banana creepily keeps his eyes on the camera while tormenting the reporter with the banana.

Despite constant nudges from the reporter, the jokester continues his relentless prank by poking the banana repeatedly into the reporter’s face. While he remains calm on camera, he reaches his breaking point after the hooligan decides to rub the banana across his balding head which results in a few banana swats at the prankster before he flees the scene.