
My rich, entitled boss slapped me across the face when I tried to quit

A Manhattan babysitter says her wealthy boss went on a tirade that made “The Nanny Diaries” seem tame, slapping and kicking her when she said she was quitting.

Nazoom Latchminarine claims in a Manhattan lawsuit that she was constantly harangued by Celia Tombalakian, the wife of a plastic surgeon, over her care of the couple’s infant son.

Latchminarine, 57, could do nothing right in the mother’s eyes, from supposedly letting the boy get too much sun to talking on the phone too much while at work, court documents say.

“She was always quarreling. She was always talking down to me,” the Guyanese immigrant, who lives in Queens, told The Post.

But the situation turned violent in September, said Latchminarine, who is suing Tombalakian for $200,000.

The nanny said she arrived at her employer’s $2 million West 19th Street co-op, which Tombalakian shares with her husband, David Shafer, and their 7-month-old son, Leo, at around 8 a.m. Sept. 10.

The two women were soon arguing about Tombalakian’s around-the-clock texting of the nanny, Latchminarine said. She told her boss she was quitting.

“She just slapped me across the face,” the nanny said, crying and pointing to her left check.

When Latchminarine asked for her previous week’s pay, the mom slapped her again, the suit said.

“After being slapped, [Latchminarine] began to cry, and [Tombalakian] said, ‘Get the f- -k out of my house,’ ” court papers say.

“Then [Tombalakian] walked away from [Latchminarine], turned around, ran back toward her and kicked [her] in the chest,” the suit says.

Latchminarine described a scene that could have been out of the 2007 film “The Nanny Diaries’’ starring Scarlett Johansson as a beleaguered nanny for a rich family.

“She was very angry, saying, ‘Get out, get out!’ ” Latchminarine said.

The nanny called the police. The cops registered a harassment complaint but didn’t arrest Tombalakian because Latchminarine didn’t have any visible wounds, a law enforcement source said.

Shortly after the cops left, Tombalakian sent Latchminarine an apologetic text message.

Latchminarine showed The Post a copy of the message from Tombalakian’s cellphone number.

“From the bottom of my heart I am sorry about what happened between us this morning. I will not bother you again. Thank you for everything as nanny and confidante,” it says.

Latchminarine, who has a new nanny job, had cared for the boy for six months when she left. She quit once over the summer but returned at Tombalakian’s request, according to the lawsuit.

Tombalakian’s lawyer, Adam Sattler, called the suit a “shakedown attempt grounded in falsehoods.”

“The allegations mentioned in Nazoom Latchminarine’s complaint are without merit,” he said. “I can only suppose that Ms. Latchminarine is retaliating for the justified termination of her brief employment.”

Additional reporting by Kenneth Garger