It took 90 seconds for Warriors to exploit Porzingis’ youth

Knicks rookie Kristaps Porzingis was 90 seconds into the game. And he had two fouls.

“That’s going to be a learning experience for me,” Porzingis said. “To make those two quick fouls and then sit out, then later on try and not foul again and not being able to really play hard defensively because you don’t want to foul out.

“It’s just things I’ve got to learn and as I get more experience, avoid those kinds of situations.”

And Porzingis learned something else that was painfully obvious in the Warriors’ 116-95 romp past the Knicks at the Garden on Sunday.

The Warriors are really, really good. In every way.

“They are a championship level team and that’s what they did tonight,” said Porzingis, who played 20 minutes, shot 3-of-8 and scored 14 points while grabbing six rebounds.

And Porzingis had fits all night — at both ends — with Draymond Green, who notched a triple-double and gave the Knicks rookie very little room.

“Draymond was great against Porzingis. Pressured him, out on the perimeter. Porzingis is going to be a great player, but he is still young and he is going to get bigger and stronger as he goes but right now Draymond has been in the league for a few years and he knows how to put pressure,” said Warriors coach Steve Kerr, who was so ticked at his club’s start, he busted a clipboard that jump started his team in the second quarter.

“He was dead serious. He broke the clipboard and then threw it,” Green said. “It was probably well deserved.”

But Green seemed to need little incentive to attack Porzingis.

“When he’s on the perimeter just try to pressure him. When he’s on the post, just put a body on him,” Green said. “Very skilled. He’s going to be really good. I just really tried to take him out of rhythm and not let him get too comfortable.”

And Porzingis never got comfortable. Green saw to that while shooting 9-of-9.

“I was trying to get back and help but he can shoot from the outside,” Porzingis said. “He’s a good shooter and he’s a guy that can put the ball on the floor. Just not being in a good stance and then a little pump fake and he’s going by me. … I just have to know whoever I’m guarding and learn from that.”

Sunday, it was a painful lesson.