Defiant Peyton Manning to NFL: Probe for HGH all you want

SAN JOSE, Calif. — Peyton Manning says he welcomes the NFL investigation into recent allegations he obtained human growth hormone and will let the league “have whatever they want to have.”

Speaking Monday night at the NFL’s Super Bowl 50 Opening Night media event, the Broncos star repeated his disgust with the Al Jazeera America report but claimed he has nothing to hide.

“That’s what they said back in December, and I repeat what I said back then: I welcome it,” Manning said of the NFL probe. “I know exactly what they’re going to find, which is a big, fat nothing.

“Because I know the rules and respect the rules and the regulations of the NFL, and they’re important to me. It’s been completely fabricated what that story alleged that I did. [It is] complete junk, and that’s what I have to say about that.”

Quoting a former employee who later recanted his allegations, the network reported that Manning obtained HGH from an Indianapolis clinic by way of shipments addressed to his wife.

The NFL announced last week that it plans to work with Major League Baseball and the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency to investigate the Al Jazeera report, which included similar allegations against other NFL and major-league baseball players.

Manning said Monday that, as far as he knows, the NFL’s investigation won’t begin until after the Super Bowl. He told CBS Sports in an interview Monday afternoon that he has yet to speak to any league investigators.

Although Manning could seemingly end his part of the probe by retiring after that game (as he reportedly has told close friends he plans to do), he told The Post that he will let the NFL have access to his medical records from the Indianapolis-based clinic, the Guyer Institute.

“They can whatever they want to have,” Manning said. “That will all take place after the season. Whatever they have to do, I welcome it 100 percent.”