
90 percent of New Yorkers think Albany is corrupt

ALBANY — Ninety percent of New Yorkers believe Albany is corrupt and two-thirds believe there are problems with the elected officials representing their hometowns and cities.

“New Yorkers’ confidence in state government in Albany hovers at historic low levels,” said Siena College pollster Steve Greenberg.

Sixty percent of New York State residents say the solution is to make politicians work full-time and to ban or cap outside income, with an even higher percentage (68) of those in the Big Apple.

Furthermore, voters statewide don’t want to give a penny more than their $79,500 base pay, according to a poll released by Siena College this morning.

Those in Gotham are more forgiving about pay raises, with 50 percent supporting a pay raise and 48 percent opposed.

Some 84 percent of voters want to take pensions away from pols who are convicted of crimes related to their official obligation to serve the public.

Sixty-two percent of voters polled want the state to close an LLC loophole that allows companies to skirt campaign contribution limits by setting up shadowy limited liability corporations that donate to candidates and increase influence on lawmakers.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s $3 billion plan to renovate Penn Station has lukewarm support statewide, but opinions are clearly split between upstate, New York City and the suburbs.

Fifty-three percent of voters throughout the state opposed the $3 billion renovation plan and a measly 40 percent support it, but more New York City residents support the plan than oppose it (49-46 percent).

Cuomo continues to be more popular than downstate rival Mayor Bill de Blasio across the board.

Statewide, de Blasio has a negative 38-46 percent favorability rating. Among New York City voters, de Blasio has a 51-45 percent favorability rating, compared to Cuomo’s 66-29 percent.