
‘He’s such a mess’: Trump on Ted Cruz’s attack ads

A confident Donald Trump said Tuesday that chief GOP rival Ted Cruz is sweating bullets and resorting to “lie after lie” just days away from the Iowa caucuses.

“He’s (Cruz) so nervous,” Trump told ABC’s “Good Morning America. “He’s such a mess.”

Trump was shown a new Cruz ad, featuring The Donald declaring that he’s staunchly pro-choice, in a 1999 “Meet the Press” interview.

But during his ABC chat on Tuesday morning, Trump insisted he’s anti-abortion.

“I’m pro-life, I’m 100 percent. He knows it, everybody knows it,” the GOP front-runner said.

The Cruz ad also features an out-of-context quote from Trump — who was mocking rival Ben Carson’s biographical details — saying, “How stupid are the people of Iowa?”

“He’s just saying lie after lie, it’s not becoming,” Trump said of Cruz.

Trump continued the attacks on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” ripping Cruz’s alleged Senate rep as a difficult-to-work-with loner.

“That’s why nobody likes him, that’s why his Senate people won’t endorse him, that’s why he stands in the middle of the Senate floor and can’t make a deal with anybody,” Trump said.

“He looks like a jerk, he’s standing all by himself. And you know, there’s something to say about having a little bit of ability to get other people to do things. You can’t be a lone wolf and stand there. That’s sort of what we have right now as a president.”

A new Quinnipiac poll of Hawkeye State Republicans shows Trump holding a slim 31-29 edge over Cruz.

The real estate developer still holds big leads nationally, according to two other polls released Tuesday.

Trump holds advantages of 37-21 and 41-19 over Cruz nationally, according to polls by ABC/Washington Post and CNN, respectively.

The Boston Herald came out with polls of New Hampshire on Tuesday, showing Trump leading Cruz 33-14 on the GOP side while Bernie Sanders was ahead of Hillary Clinton 55-39 among Democrats.