
Man roughed up by NYPD during ‘Dance Dare’ settles lawsuit

The prankster who was roughed up by NYPD cops for flamboyantly dancing behind them outside of Grand Central has settled his lawsuit against the city, his lawyer said Wednesday.

Alexandre Nzebele will score a $33,500 payout after a group of six officers frisked him, called him a “f—ing a—hole” and threw him to the ground on Christmas Eve 2014 as he was filming a video for Ellen Degeneres’ “Dance Dare” challenge, sources told The Post.

“This case was actually a positive development – it vindicates the rights of citizens to be treated fairly with respect by police officers,” said Nzebele’s lawyer Robert Tolchin. “This wasn’t a case of a criminal or someone doing a bad act – this was just somebody who was having a little fun on Christmas Eve, for god’s sake.”

The self-proclaimed “comedic video maker,” aka Alexander BOK, can be seen in the four-minute YouTube video jokingly dancing around strangers in Grand Central Terminal to Psy’s hit song “Gangnam Style.”

Outside, he carries on bouncing around on the street behind the group of officers – who are less than impressed with his dance moves.

The cops surround Nzebele, frisking him against a police van while asking him, “What the f— is wrong with you?”, “are you f—ing kidding me?”, “what are you dancing in the street for?”, according to Nzebele’s lawsuit filed in Manhattan federal court last February.

Nzebele had originally sued for $5 million for violation of his constitutional rights.

“Somebody was dancing in the street and he got thrown to the ground. And now, the police department has paid up,” said Tolchin. “It tells us constitutional rights have a value and should not just be trampled.”

​Tolchin said the Civilia​n​ Complaint Review Board wound up siding with Nzebele.​

“Settling was best for the city,” said a Law Department spokesman.

Nzebele’s settlement with the city is in the process of being finalized.

The video of the altercation, which is still up, has garnered nearly 700,000 views.