
Quick-thinking teen foils rapist

A man tried to sexually assault a 13-year-old girl on her way to school in Brooklyn Tuesday morning — but she tricked the fiend into letting her go.

The pervert grabbed the girl on Cleveland Street in Cypress Hills at around 7:50 a.m., told her to keep quiet and threatened to sexually assault her while brandishing a knife, cops said.

But the quick-thinking kid told the monster it was her time of the month and he let her go, a local activist said.

“She said at that time I think she was on her menstrual [cycle] and she made it very clear to him that was happening,” community activist Tony Herbert said Tuesday night. “Immediately after she said that, he let go of her hand and he ran off.”

The girl said she was about to ring her friend’s doorbell just before the man pounced on her.

After she eluded him, the creep grabbed the girl’s cellphone before taking off.

The suspect was still on the loose Tuesday night. Cops described him as 30 to 40 years old, last seen wearing a tan jacket, black boots and a black baseball cap.