
Waldorf Astoria may pay for bride’s emotional distress after canceled wedding

The Waldorf Astoria is on the hook for ruining a woman’s dream wedding — even though the hotel canceled the event only after a guest’s gun went off, a Manhattan judge ruled Monday.

Vladimir Gotlibovsky, whose 9mm Ruger fired at the June 2015 reception, is solely responsible for covering the cost of the $750,000 affair if bride Anna Goldshmidt wins her suit against him.

But the hotel — added by the shooter as a third-party defendant in the Manhattan civil case — may have to contribute monetary damages related to Goldshmidt’s “emotional distress,” Justice Cynthia Kern found.

“The incident caused an obvious interruption and eventual cancellation of the wedding reception by the Waldorf,” Kern wrote in the ruling.

The hotel will not appeal the decision, said Waldorf attorney Joel Simon. Goldshmidt’s lawyer, David Jaroslawicz, urged a settlement.

“As long as the Waldorf’s in, maybe everyone can sit down in a room together and finally reimburse this couple for what happened,” Jaroslawicz said.