US News

North Korea lets captured American ‘spy’ speak to CNN

North Korea captured an American who claimed to be a spy intent on overthrowing the communist regime, and charged him with espionage, according to a report.

A pair of North Korean soldiers dragged South Korean-born Kim Dong Chul, 62, into a Pyongyang hotel, where he told CNN that he was being held as a spy by the repressive regime.

“I’m asking the US or South Korean government rescue me,” he told the TV network in Korean.

Kim’s captors insisted he speak to CNN only in Korean.

The prisoner told CNN he’s been living in China for at least 15 years but had previously lived in Fairfax, Va.

North Korean officials showed CNN a US passport for Kim, who became a naturalized American citizen in 1987.

The man said, while living in China, he owns a business in a special economic zone just over the North Korean border where he employs North Koreans.

He claimed to be a spy, working with South Korean academics and conservatives, seeking to overthrow North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

“I bribed a local resident and had him gather important materials considered national secrets in his country such as military secrets (and) nuclear-related materials,” Kim said.

“I got these materials, hid them in my car and secretly brought them to China where I handed them over – or I would go to South Korea and deliver them directly.”

Kim said he made four such espionage trips to South Korea.

Seoul denied any knowledge of Kim and Washington declined to confirm that he’s even a US citizen.