
De Blasio forgot his own homeless-accountability measure

Mayor de Blasio just declared that his administration is ready to “own” the homeless problem “110 percent.”

Hmm. This vow comes on top of news of yet another city fumble on the issue.

As NY1 reported Thursday, the mayor announced last May he’d be sending repair squads into every city homeless shelter to issue scorecards on conditions.

The shelters have been notorious for deplorable conditions and mounting safety violations — a big reason many homeless avoid them.

De Blasio lauded his plan as “an accountability system.” Oops.

The Department of Homeless Services Web site promised comprehensive reports “by September.” Then, “by November.”

Today, eight months after the mayor’s promise, the administration’s rated just 23 out of 700 city shelters.

Confronted with this embarrassment, de Blasio got stern: “Those scorecards,” he vowed Friday, “will happen by next month. If they don’t happen, a lot of people will be in trouble.”

What’s next, Mr. Mayor — a strongly worded letter to . . . yourself?

This, after a year when the administration effectively sat on its hands as the homeless crisis grew — and even denied it for months, though homeless-related complaints to 311 are up 127 percent since he took office.

Who’s going to believe the mayor is “taking the gloves off” and “owning this issue 110 percent” — when he forgot to enact his own “accountability system”?

When it comes to report cards on homelessness, he’s so far earned a big fat F.