
Chelsea ‘slasher’s other victim pleads: Put him away ‘for good’

A woman who was sucker-punched by accused Chelsea slasher Kari Bazemore told The Post she was sickened to learn of the latest attack — and hopes he gets locked away “for good” this time.

The 32-year-old victim, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said she and her husband were in their own little world as they walked down Sixth Avenue between West 11th and 12th streets in Greenwich Village at about 7 p.m. on Dec. 30.

“It’s funny how things happen so fast, but we were mid-conversation, and I was pointing to something slightly across and up ahead to my husband,” she explained.

“As he slightly turns his head, I have a chance to see that within two feet of me was this very angry looking man coming straight at me.

“I saw he had a very belligerent gait, and before I had time to step away, his right fist punched me in my face, and it knocked me off my feet.”

Her husband looked over, shocked to see his wife on the pavement.

“He also stood there for a few seconds in utter disbelief and thought, how did this happen?” she said. “How did something out of nowhere, unprovoked, happen to a woman standing there with her husband?”

Several people rushed to help as her husband took off after Bazemore.

“My husband and two other witnesses — good Samaritans, good souls — ran after him, which, obviously, made me more upset, because I knew that the punch, the bruise, the fat lip would go away. But I was concerned my husband was running after a man who I didn’t know what he was capable of,” she said.

They tracked him for a few blocks, and police arrested Bazemore. He was charged with misdemeanor assault and released without bail.

“It was very remarkable how fast the police responded, and how fast our neighbors helped,” she said.

“I was just happy to see the compassion that people had and the police, the empathy.”

She was up all Wednesday night thinking about slash victim Amanda Morris and said she plans to reach out to her.

Amanda Morris speaks to The Post at her Bushwick home after her horrific slashing ordeal.Paul Martinka

“The day that I was punched — at first, I thought he was an angry man, and I was the first person he saw to take out his grief and anger on,” she said.

“But, obviously, I didn’t feel like he would punch a man who is twice my size. You’re going to punch the 110-pound girl. When I saw the video yesterday, it was clear that when he crosses the street and targets the woman, it’s definitely against us girls out there.”

Now she hopes he won’t be allowed to roam the streets.

“I hope he will not be let out this time,” she said. “I hope this is it for good and he’s not able to do this to anyone else.”

“I think the hardest thing for me, if I meet Amanda, is telling her that I was attacked less than a week earlier and this could have been prevented,” she added.

“I wish this never to happen to anyone. It has been so upsetting. I have hardly told any of my family or friends because what’s done is done. Why tell them something that is so painful to repeat and something so sad to hear?”