
Probe of Long Island porn-loving ex-police chief expanding to DA’s office: sources

Suffolk County Police Chief James Burke in March 2015.VICTORALCORN.COM

The investigation is widening into Suffolk County’s disgraced, porn-loving ex-police chief, James Burke — with a federal prosecutors hoping to ensnare no less than the county District Attorney, Thomas Spota, sources tell The Post.

Federal prosecutors are weighing obstruction of justice charges against the Suffolk DA’s Division Chief of Investigations Christopher McPartland — and they’re hoping that McPartland will lead them to Spota, sources said.

“Prosecutors would like nothing more than to charge McPartland,” one law enforcement source told The Post on Thursday. “To get him to flip on Spota — the ultimate prize.”

McPartland was recently notified via letter by the grand jury hearing evidence in the prob that he is a target, sources said.

McPartland is believed to have met with other county law enforcement brass and encouraged them to lie on the then-police chief’s behalf, sources alleged.

Burke, 51 — forced out as chief and currently held without bail pending a March criminal trial — remains at the center of the spiraling probe.

Formerly the highest-ranking uniformed officer in Suffolk County, he was busted last month and accused of beating and threatening to kill a detainee.

The prisoner was a 29-year-old Smithtown junkie who had allegedly stolen a duffel bag containing porn and sex toys from Burke’s police-issued SUV.

That duffle bag, which also held Burke’s gun belt and magazines of ammo, could now end up bringing down not only Burke, but top brass at the Suffolk County DA’s office, sources warn.