US News

Cards Against Humanity jerks threaten to destroy a Picasso

Cards Against Humanity, the card game made famous for its irreverence, reportedly threatened to slice up an original work by Pablo Picasso by using a laser to cut the 1962 linocut into 150,000 1.5mm squares.

The Chicago Tribune reported that the company will take a vote from its 150,000 subscribers on whether the “Tete de Faune” should be donated to the Art Institute of Chicago or cut up. The company declined to comment in the article, but pointed out that a similar piece of art sold for $22,000. reported that the vote will take place between Dec. 28 and Dec. 31. If enough fans vote “thumbs down,” the linocut gets blasted.

The company, a 2010 Kickstarter, has a history of high-profile purchases. It bought an island off Maine called “Hawaii 2” and once raised money to give Chinese factory workers who produce the card game a week off from work, the report said.