US News

Calif. shooter, pal planned to shoot up school cafeteria

San Bernardino terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook planned other deadly attacks with his gun-buying pal Enrique Marquez — including one where they would rain bombs down on his former California college cafeteria and another in which he would shoot up a state highway.

Marquez, who was charged Thursday with supporting terror, allegedly detailed the aborted schemes, which were planned in 2011, to investigators, court document show.

“[Marquez’s] prior purchase of the firearms and ongoing failure to warn authorities about Farook’s intent to commit mass murder had fatal consequences,” US Attorney ­Eileen Decker said.

Marquez and Farook first hatched a plot to throw pipe bombs into crowds of students at the library or cafeteria at Riverside Community College, where they had been students.

They also focused on blasting motorists along a stretch of Route 91, which they planned to block with a pipe-bomb attack during rush hour.

After trapping the cars, Farook planned to walk along the freeway and gun down motorists in their vehicles. Marquez would then shoot from a nearby hillside, targeting police officers responding to the ­carnage.

Marquez met Farook when the two were neighbors in the town of Riverside.

They became steeped in Islamic ideology, stockpiled weapons and plotted the killing of Americans, the court documents allege.

Marquez, 24, was charged Thursday with conspiring to provide material support to terrorists in the earlier plots with Farook.

Weapons confiscated after the Dec. 2 attack.Reuters

Those plans may never have come to light if not for the Dec. 2 terrorist attack where Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, used the assault weapons Marquez bought years ago to kill 14 people at a Dec. 2 holiday party for Farook’s health-department co-workers.

Marquez was charged with illegally purchasing the rifles that the shooters used again hours later in a gunbattle with police. The couple was killed in the shootout.