Leave it to a Masshole to kick somebody after they do something nice

Remember when LeBron James was reviled for “The Decision”? Remember when fans in Boston couldn’t stand the guy, like ever? Remember when you looked at a new shoe line as just more building of an athlete’s brand? (What, you still do?)

At the Cavaliers’ game in Boston on Tuesday night, Aaron Miller was recognized during a break for winning MVP at a recent Special Olympics competition in the city. Miller, 16, reportedly was born with severe brain damage and was told by doctors he would be physically and mentally paralyzed for life. But after “thousands of hours” of surgery and physical therapy, he competes on his school’s golf and basketball teams. James took time to make the kid’s day and show the human side of the professional athlete.

A moving scene for most, but not for noted Celtics home announcer Tommy Heinsohn. The former NBAer repeatedly ripped James throughout the game — before and after the selfless scene — going as far as to call James a “crybaby.”

As the Cavs and Celtics came back to the floor following the time out, James took a moment to seek out Miller and give him props for the award.

“I wasn’t able to hear the whole story because I was actually in the game and coach was drawing up a play, but I looked up at the jumbotron and I saw what he’s been through and where he is now. … I looked up there, and this game is so much more than basketball,” James said, according to after the Cavaliers’ 89-77 win.

James noticed Miller was wearing James’ brand of sneakers made for kids who are unable to tie them, and got him an extra pair after the game.

“Those shoes that he had on are made for kids that can’t tie their own shoes,” James said. “It’s just one strap. They’re able to get them on with one hand or whatever the case may be. Then when I saw his story, it was just like, I don’t know, I felt like I was a part of him. So I was just showing my respect, gave him my shoes. It was well-received by him. It was not for you guys or the fans. It was for him.”

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