
Step 2: How NY can help cover your in-state college costs

If you stay in state for higher education, there’s plenty of ways New York can help cover your costs.

Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)

The state’s Tuition Assistance Program provides grants that can be used for most schools in the state, public and private, ranging from $500 to $5,165 in 2016. You don’t have to pay this money back.

To qualify, the student’s parents must have a New York state net taxable income of less than $80,000. TAP is also available for part-time students at SUNY and CUNY who earn 12 credits a semester and maintain a C grade average.

When you finish the FAFSA application, you’ll be prompted to apply for TAP. Or you can visit


The City University of New York, publicly funded by the state and the city, is made up of 24 colleges, including seven community colleges.

CUNY estimates that the average New York City resident who lives at home would pay $16,397 in the 2015-16 academic year, including a tuition of $6,330. But that can decrease significantly with federal and TAP aid. In fact, 66% of full-time undergraduates attend CUNY tuition-free.

Students who live outside of the city can still get the city rate if they do a “county charge back,” that is, their county picks up the difference. (The local school district can arrange this.) Keep in mind that cost of tuition does not cover housing in most cases — a not insignificant expense in New York. CUNY’s estimate for a city resident jumps to $25,952 if you’re living away from home.

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CUNY’s Search for Education Elevation and Knowledge program (SEEK)

New York City funds some financial support for low-income students for tutoring at community college through the Search for Education Elevation and Knowledge program (SEEK). It offers academic and student support services: financial assistance, counseling, tutoring, special courses and workshops. Plus a study hall and computer lab for the exclusive use of SEEK students. Application is through the University Application Processing Center at the time a student applies to CUNY.


Much like CUNY, the State University of New York is publicly funded, though its campuses are spread throughout the state. (You also can qualify for its low tuition by being a resident anywhere in the state, not just the city). For the 2015-2016 academic year, the Standard SUNY Tuition Rate was a maximum of $6,470 per year. Costs are only slightly above CUNY, with an estimate of $16,660 for state residents living at home in 2015-16 and $24,020 for those living on their own.

NYS STEM Incentive Program

SUNY will grant full tuition to the top 10% of students from each New York high school, as long they pursue a degree in science, technology, engineering or math (STEM). Graduates must also agree to live in New York state and work in a STEM field for five years after graduation.

Non-New Yorkers

Being in-city, in-state and out-of-state greatly affects tuition at private and public colleges.

In-state students at CUNY four-year colleges are charged $6,330 a year, while out-of-state students will pay an estimated $16,800.

CUNY students who reside in New York state but not in the city may be eligible for the city price if they move here and can offer proof of residence.

There is no reciprocity between New York and New Jersey and Connecticut.

Ivy Aid

Private universities New York University and Columbia do not offer reduced-rate tuition for students from New York state. However, some private colleges have some “statutory” colleges where certain majors are partially subsidized by the state of New York, leading to lower tuition. These include the college of Ceramics at Alfred University and some schools at Cornell.

The College Board’s CSS/PROFILE form (short for College Scholarship Service Profile) is used by 400 different colleges and programs (including most of the top institutions of the country) to determine eligibility to institutional aid.

Some Ivys actually require you to fill out a PROFILE form in addition to a FAFSA. Be warned, however, that it costs a minimum of $25 to fill out the form and deliver your financial information to the colleges. Visit

Save the dates!

  • October 1 — CSS PROFILE form goes live for non-federal financial aid from almost 400 colleges and scholarship programs. This costs a minimum of $25 to be filled out and sent to colleges.
  • January 1 — First day you can apply for New York’s Tuition Assistance Program, TAP, for the following school year.
  • June 30 — Deadline to apply for TAP funds for the previous year. You can get money any time in an 18-month window, between Jan. 1 before the academic year and June after the academic year is over. If you apply after, the money will be applied retroactively.