
What 50 Cent would buy Donald Trump for Christmas

50 cent shares the presents he’d gift his closest friends and fiercest foes.

Jake Gyllenhaal (co-star in ‘Southpaw’)

“Champagne. It would be the best bottle of Champagne. Imported. I would want him to taste the best stuff out there. I can’t send him sparkling wine.”

Jake Gyllenhaal (left) and 50 Cent in “Southpaw.”The Weinstein Company

Donald Trump (Republican presidential candidate)

“I’d buy him something really basic, because I bet he [wouldn’t] have it. Something like a rotisserie chicken oven. It wouldn’t be expensive, but it would be useful. I can imagine him eating [chicken] and thinking it was better than the food he was having before. Sometimes the basic gifts are the best!”

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Eminem (friend and mentor)

“I’d buy him Nikes. He likes Air Max in particular. But it would have to be an exclusive, not just something you can buy at the Nike store.”

With pal Eminem at the New York premiere of “Southpaw” in July.Reuters

Ja Rule (sworn rap enemies)

“I would get him two front teeth!”

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Sire (3-year-old son)

“That’s easy: toys. He likes cars especially. You can’t go wrong with that.”

50 seconds with 50 Cent: