Sex & Relationships

Meet Kanye West’s hot, sex-loving pastor

Rich Wilkerson Jr. may hobnob with the entire Kardashian clan, hang with Justin Bieber and have a Paris Hilton look-alike wife, but the 31-year-old isn’t a man of Hollywood.

He’s a man of God.

And on Dec. 9, the Miami-based pastor, who presided over Kim and Kanye’s wedding in Italy last year, is bringing his unique brand of jeans-clad preaching to the small screen with his reality show, “Rich in Faith,” on Oxygen.

In the series, Wilkerson and his wife of nine years, DawnCheré, try to find a permanent home for his hip, weekly sermons.

“We never had a big strategy [like], ‘All right, how can we be cool?’ ” Wilkerson tells The Post. He named his new nondenominational church Vous (short for “rendezvous”), and held its first Sunday service in a bar before officially launching this September. “We’ve just sort of been who we are, and [we] continue to try to walk in that.”

So happy for these two. Grateful for their friendship. The best is yet to come #marriedlifeisthebestlife

A photo posted by Rich Wilkerson (@richwilkersonjr) on

Just now, Wilkerson’s walking in Kanye West’s $200 sneakers, a gift from the rapper. (“The other stuff I can’t really afford yet,” says Wilkerson, who drives an Audi. “Maybe he’ll be gracious and give me a shirt or something.”)

The handsome pastor and Kanye hit it off when Yeezy showed up to hear Wilkerson’s sermon a few years ago in Florida.

“We became friends,” says Wilkerson. “He’s a guy who’s taking big risks and he’s a guy who tries to follow his convictions, and there’s a lot there to admire.”

Wilkerson even asked Kanye to design the cover for his book of faith, “Sandcastle Kings.”

The cover of Wilkerson’s book was designed by Kanye West.

“If you look back at church history, the church always called upon great artists of their day to do work for them,” says Wilkerson. “I think Kanye wouldn’t have an issue being called one of the great artists of our generation.”

While some call Wilkerson Kanye’s “spiritual adviser,” he swears he’s not a celebrity pastor. Wilkerson comes from a long line of preachers: His father’s first cousin was the late evangelical pastor David Wilkerson, and he previously preached at his father’s Assemblies of God parish, Trinity Church Miami.

Still, his Instagram overflows with celeb cameos, including Biebs. “He’s on the journey,” says Wilkerson, who’s pals with Bieber’s pastor, Carl Lentz of the Hillsong Church.

Wilkerson may be reluctant to talk about his famous pals, but one topic he’s not shy about? Sex.

“I think sex is a gift from God,” says the pastor, noting that he and his wife waited until marriage to seal the deal.

I love you @justinbieber #whatdoyoumean congrats

A photo posted by Rich Wilkerson (@richwilkersonjr) on

On the show, DawnCheré teases Wilkerson that he was only a two out of 10 their first time.

“We had never had sex … I think we were learning how to get comfortable with one another and learning how to do it,” he says.

But he does admit to one shortcoming: not helping with chores.

“Pray for me,” says Wilkerson, whose wife has to beg him to take out the trash. “I’m working on it.”

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