
Cuomo, de Blasio have secret dinner in bid to mend fences

Bitter rivals Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo broke bread during a secret sit-down at a Midtown restaurant in an attempt to mend their fractured relationship, The Post has learned.

Hizzoner and Cuomo held the peace summit Tuesday evening in a curtained-off private room in the back of Casa Lever on Park Avenue at East 53rd Street, sources said.

“It looked like a serious business meeting,” a restaurant staffer told The Post, saying there were no outward signs of acrimony but no laughs either during the tête-à-tête.

Both ordered the $46-a-plate branzino, but neither had drinks to lighten the mood and they skipped appetizers and dessert. It was unclear who picked up the tab.

The feuding pols slipped into the restaurant in the landmarked Lever Building through a rear entrance and stayed for about an hour, a staffer said.

Cuomo actually had a reservation for 7:30 p.m. — but arrived at about 8:30, with de Blasio showing up a short time later.

The inside of Casa Lever on Park Avenue.Zandy Mangold

There are several tables in the raised private section, but the others were kept empty to keep prying eyes and ears away while they discussed their differences — even though the restaurant was packed.

Cuomo is a regular at the 162-seat eatery, which specializes in fine Milanese cuisine and features Andy Warhol portraits of celebrities on the walls, including Judy Garland and Aretha Franklin.

“Governor Cuomo has a nice setup near the back of the restaurant. He’s sort of hidden away so he can have his privacy with his guests. You can always tell he’s here because his ‘secret service’ guys are crawling all over the place,” one restaurant staffer said.

Cuomo and de Blasio were accompanied by Emma Wolfe, the mayor’s legislative director, who handles Albany matters, and Melissa DeRosa, the governor’s director of communications.

The relationship between the political enemies hit a new low last week when Cuomo spokeswoman Dani Lever said de Blasio “can’t manage the homeless crisis” and the state would step in.

De Blasio has blamed Cuomo for the mayor’s failure to get his progressive agenda through the Legislature, telling reporters in June that the governor played political games and sought revenge for “perceived slights.”

He accused the governor of having a “vendetta” against those who openly disagree with him.

A rep for Cuomo confirmed the meeting took place but declined to disclose what was discussed.

De Blasio’s spokeswoman declined to comment.