
Kasich goes for the jugular in latest Trump attack ads

Ohio Gov. John Kasich launched an all-out attack Monday on Donald Trump as the billionaire stumped in Kasich’s home state.

In advance of a planned Trump speech in Columbus, Kasich unveiled a new ad highlighting Trump’s controversial comments in support of registering Muslim citizens in the United States.

Separately, Kasich’s super PAC debuted another ad featuring many of Trump’s most outlandish comments, including “blood” coming out Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, joking, “If Ivanka weren’t my daughter perhaps I’d be dating her” and gushing, “I have a great relationship with the blacks.”

Kasich surrogates also denounced Trump’s rhetoric and said it isn’t welcome in their state.

“This kind of divisive language from Day 1 sets a president up for failure because if you look at this nation we are very diverse people,” said Ohio state Sen. Peggy Lehner.

Inflammatory remarks Sunday about African Americas put Trump back in the hot seat. After asserting a Black Lives Matter protester “should have been roughed up,” Trump took to Twitter and retweeted false stats about black crime.