US News

Someone may have eaten Russia’s Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

It’s a real-life Nightmare Before Christmas.

Thieves in Russia stole the country’s version of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer — and may have butchered and eaten him.

Central European News
Bugor the reindeer disappeared Sunday from a theme park called Father Frost’s Urals Residence, located outside Yekaterinburg, in central Russia’s Sverdlovsk Oblast region, according to Central European News.

The 8-year-old reindeer gave rides to kids around the winter wonderland, home to Father Frost, the local version of Santa Claus.

Police say Bugor may have been pinched by someone only interested in his meat, as the popular animal attraction would be difficult to sell.

Park management is offering 20,000 rubles, the equivalent of $312, for any information about Bugor’s whereabouts.