Claire Atkinson

Claire Atkinson


Should Google be worried about Axel Springer?

German media giant Axel Springer has scooped up Business Insider. Should Google be worried?

That was a question last week when the news hit that the media company shelled out $433 million for the New York-based news site, sources tell The Post’s James Covert.

Business Insider founder Henry Blodget, whose cheerleader approach got him into trouble as a tech analyst, has remained a booster of Silicon Valley in his palate-cleansing second career as a journalist.

But Axel Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner last year accused Google and other tech giants of trying to establish a “superstate” in Europe at the expense of fair competition and privacy rights.

Indeed, Axel Springer and Google, which continue to tussle over issues like search preference and ad revenue, are still “frenemies” in that regard, Axel Springer spokeswoman Edda Fels admits.

Still, she also points to Axel Springer’s long tradition of fierce editorial independence from, say, what the CEO thinks. On the Google antitrust case in Europe, its papers have taken a “mixed-voice, mixed-opinion” approach, she said.

“Our CEO is outspoken,” Fels said. “But our editors would rather do the opposite than follow the voice of our CEO.”

Translation: Henry won’t have to pack away the pom-poms anytime soon.