
De Blasio blasted for skipping cop-related town hall meetings

Civil rights attorney Norman Siegel called out Mayor Bill de Blasio on Tuesday for failing to attend a series of town hall meetings devoted to improving police-community relations.

“We’re extremely disappointed,” Siegel said at a press conference alongside Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer. “Not participating in town hall meetings that [de Blasio] and his staff were invited to. What does that say?”

Findings from the meetings were put together in a lengthy report unveiled Tuesday by Siegel and the borough presidents.

While a City Hall representative sat in on the first meeting without participating, Hizzoner’s camp wasn’t heard from again until it asked for a copy of the report Tuesday night, Siegel said.

The report includes 37 recommendations for improving police relations with the community — such as more officer training and reforming “broken windows” policing “by ­decriminalizing many nonthreatening behaviors.”