US News

Planned Parenthood, Republicans square off in Congress

WASHINGTON – House Republicans grilled Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards in a heated hearing Tuesday, questioning why the women’s health organization should continue to receive federal funding in the wake of “barbaric” undercover videos showing agency staffers discussing fetal tissue sales.

“Planned Parenthood clearly does not need taxpayer funding to survive. We can carve up a child and call it a choice. We can destroy human life and call it health care. We can make the killing of children legal and pretend it’s beneficial and we can cover acts of barbarity with the veneer of civility but we cannot escape our accountability before the creator of life,” fumed Rep. Steve Russell (R-Okla.)

But Richards insisted her agency did nothing wrong.

“We don’t make any profit off of federal money,” she told the House Oversight Committee in an exhaustive five-hour hearing as pink-clad supporters in New York and elsewhere rallied in support of the organization.

Richards has been in the hot seat since conservative activists at the Center for Medical Progress produced videos purporting to show Planned Parenthood staff trying to sell aborted fetal tissue for profit. Richards – aided by Democrats – blasted the videos as “heavily doctored” and the allegations as “offensive and categorically untrue.”

Fetal tissue research is legal and tissue providers are allowed to recoup expenses– which is the only cost Planned Parenthood collects, Richards insisted.

But the videos gave anti-abortion Republicans ammunition to defund the organization as a condition for keeping the entire government open past Wednesday.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) insisted the must-pass spending bill cannot include funding for an organization that does “barbaric and repulsive” things. In one of his last acts to placate the conservative uprising, House Speaker John Boehner is expected to call a vote next week to create a special committee to investigate Planned Parenthood.

Meantime, House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) revealed his report showing Planned Parenthood doesn’t need federal funds because the $1.3 billion organization is “flush” with cash, pays executives “massive salaries,” had $127 million in extra income at the end of 2014, hosts lavish galas with Salt-N-Pepa entertaining and can afford to spend $34.8 million in 2011 to purchase office space near Madison Square Garden.

“That’s money that isn’t going to woman’s health care,” said an emotional Chaffetz.

The organization receives roughly $450 million in federal funds, but $390 million is reimbursement for health services for Medicaid patients. The roughly $60 million that is appropriated is what Republicans would like to block immediately.

Richards reminded congress that federal funds are not going toward abortions but vital health care for women in need. She defended her pay as well as the yearend revenue that was a product of fundraising for future expansions of clinics, she said.

“I don’t really believe a healthcare provider should be discriminated against for providing a legal service,” Richards said, noting that abortion is 3 percent of all services provided.

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) blasted her GOP colleagues for their “war against women” and “inappropriate and discriminatory” badgering of Richards for her earned salary — which Richards said was $520,000.

Meantime, more than 300 people packed Foley Square in Lower Manhattan waving pink signs saying “Don’t Take Away Our Care.”

“I’m standing with you because New York City stands with Planned Parenthood,” First Lady Chirlane McCray said.

“Congress should be ashamed to punish women who have no health care options. I know first-hand that Planned Parenthood provides excellent service.